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Welcome To
Burfoot House

Divine Inspiration Outreach, Inc | The Transformed Heart

Divine Inspiration Outreach Inc (Burfoot House) transitional shelter and resource services for homeless single women ages 18-65 years old experiencing homelessness.

DIO/Burfoot House provides women entering the shelter with financial literacy, and mentors (during the client’s approx. 180 days living in the shelter). Shelter clients experience one-on-one help with strengthening credit and receive valuable mental health and trauma therapy as they overcome societal barriers and free transportation to points where they can access transit system transportation to and from jobs.

After completing their personal goals established during intake, Burfoot House volunteers and mentors help clients transition to permanent housing. Burfoot House’s goal is to shelter and then transition each client to self-sufficiency temporarily. In 2023 the SVHC reported 653 homeless persons in South Hampton Roads with 34% consisting of women.

Burfoot House

Client Testimonials

Hear What Clients Are Saying

Debra Burfoot Interview July 2023

Hear how Burfoot House has helped Debra

Burfoot House client testimony

Hear What Clients Are Saying


Burfoot House Goals

- Acclimate the client to a stable, safe environment
- Establish a short-term weekly plan
- Variable-length program for making progress towards goals/self-
- Promote the development of interpersonal and decision-making skills
- Teach and foster the development of appropriate social skills and
- Provide basic mentoring and case management plan
- Target specific employment, savings, and housing goals

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Who is eligible to reside at the Burfoot House?


- sleeping in places not meant for habitation;
- living in emergency housing for homeless persons;
- evicted with no residence and lacking resources to
obtain a home.


- with felony convictions
- with child-related restrictions
- with active domestic violence cases
- with pending warrants
- actively using alcohol or illegal drugs
- with history of violent, explosive or destructive behavior.

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